Sep 14, 2022Liked by Bhekani Khumalo

Insightful stuff right here. I like the style of writing which is laid back and very informative. Your use of quotations is perfect. I however would like to disagree with your closing statement that failure is not necessary, on the contrary, i think it is. Its through it that we learn as you rightly said earlier in your article. There are very few lessons in success as opposed to failure and hardships. Failure commands your FULL attention better than success does

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Thank you.

Yeah I hear you and as you can tell from the article, I think we can learn a lot more from failure than success. I certainly have in my short life. Failure definitely does command your full attention. I just pointed out that failure is not strictly necessary because I imagine in a perfect world where people don't fail there would still be learning and growing. I don't think there's anyone who has never failed though so we all have the opportunity to learn from it.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Bhekani Khumalo

This was a good one.

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Bhekani Khumalo

Great reflection

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Thank you

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